Next Meeting: October 23, 2021
Sermon theme: The End of the Fear Merchants
There will be a Bible discussion at 10:00. Singing will begin at 11:00 and I will be preaching precisely at 11:30 (we will be uploading the sermon for our Perspective Group). We now have heat in the studio/church. We have ordered everything we need for solar, so we may not need to run a generator. Depending on who is here and the quality of our music, we may include a song or two at the beginning of the upload. It is all a work in progress but we invite you-all to come and be a part of it. There will be a Perspective Group discussion after the church service for about a half-hour, then we will have potluck (the usual haystacks). If there are musicians here, we will have a jam after potluck. Thanks Dennis and Debbie Freedom Alley |